The Dwarf Hotot is strictly a fancy breed. At 3 pounds max, one of the more recent breeds to be recognized by the ARBA in 1983.
As a rule they are friendly rabbits and well suited to a pet life. Dwarf Hotot Bunnies are friendly, outgoing and energetic. They make great pets and emotional support animals.
The Hotot is called the “eye of the fancy” is of compact type and has a gentle rollback coat. Unlike the Polish, which as similar body type, the shoulders are supposed to be as wide as the hips, and not show any taper. The head set is not as high on the shoulders as that of the Netherland Dwarf, but should not rest on the table either. The head is bold and broad.
Ears are carried in an upright V shape, and are disqualified if over 2 ¾ inches in length. The eyes are encircled with narrow bands of colored fur. Ideal eyeband width equals the thickness of two pennies, and the bands of color are even all around the eye. Weak or streaky eyebands are faulted, but a complete break in the band is disqualified.
Please call of text before purchasing to make sure your bunny is still available. 717-465-5155. Location of all bunnies is New Oxford, PA
All Deposts are non-refundable if Bunnies are held more than a week.