Equips "Saddle Food" is a 1882 Royal formula made of 100% natural ingredients that will soften, waterproof, and protect both the leather and stitching of your high-quality leather goods. There are no harmful chemicals, synthetic ingredients, or vegetable oils to destroy the leather's natural fibers. "Equips Saddle Food" contains more than 50% of leather's own natural ingredients (that is the highest percentage of any product on the market!) "Saddle Food" puts back into the leather what tanning and use takes out. It will naturally restore and maintain your leather's health. "Equips Saddle Food" it is also very economical- a little bit goes a long way. Rub a small amount into your favorite leather good for a beautifully lustrous, long-lasting finish...you will love the look and conditioned feel of your leather. It is so easy to use: 6 oz. jar for the tack box, 12oz. container for the tack room. Tip: Use Glycerine Soap with warm water to clean leather before applying Equips Saddle Food. We use it and highly recommend this product! 6 oz Suggested retail $9.45
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