Happy-Opoly Board Game by Late for the Sky
The Choices we make can increase
our level of Happiness by 40% or more.
Why would we choose anything else but the things that lead to happiness?
Don’t know...but sometimes we do!
Happy-opoly is a game full of things known to make humans happier.
These are the things we can put into play and up our happiness level.
To give you an idea, flip over the deeds and read some happy facts.
For instance: The emotions you feel when you listen to your favorite songs? It’s chemistry. Hearing music we like causes a surge of dopamine, a pleasure making chemical in the brain.
So, gather people you want to share some happiness with and advance to Smile. Who knows? You may end up with Belly Laughs
or whistling ZIP-A-DEE-DOO-DAH.
Whatever happens, have fun! And win or lose... choose Happy!
40% Really?
Hmmmmmm… that’s BIG.
For 2-6 Players
Ages 8 and up