- No pressure on the palate. It is unlikely that this bit will have much pressure on the bars of the mouth, however this is dependant on the individual size of the horses tongue.
- Horse chews are iron chains that pass through the mouth of the horse. Make horse can't bite, can't eat, making it easier for people to control the horse.
- With hooks and binocular chains. Made of stainless steel material, anti-rusty, non-toxic and safe. Lost wax casting method, hand polishing
- Eliminates the "nutcracker" tongue-pinching action of most conventional bits
- Keeps the joint of the bit from hitting the roof of the horse's mouth
- Relieves direct pressure on tongue and bars
- Encourages relaxation and salivation
- Allows for more effective communication between horse and rider
- Korsteel quality hand-polished stainless steel, copper or cyprium
- Available in a variety of styles
- Excellent for all training and styles of riding