Large English Ultra ThinLine Contour Pad
Ultra ThinLine is best for riders with good seats and balanced horses. The Ultra ThinLine pad provides additional benefits when the rider has learned to sit close and quiet and the horse has begun using its back well. The pad will further stabilize the rider and the saddle. The Ultra ThinLine increases the volume of the seat bones while they are in contact with the pad but dissipates the noise of sudden movement.
This pad is best for well fitting or custom fitted saddles as it is too thin to alter correct fit. Use on top of your regular saddle pad, directly underneath the saddle. This pad will mold to your horse's shape when warmed to body temperature, and flexes and moves with your horse so there is no pinching or pulling across the withers or spine.
Jumpers and hunters keep their mounts round and relaxed with this pad. The larger flaps of the Contour pad provide more protection under the stirrup bars for the horse when landing off big fences.
The pad measures 27" across, 23" long in panel length, and 15" in the seat. This Contour Pad is designed for saddle sizes 18" and larger. Your saddle panesl should not exactly measure or be larger than the pad.
Colors: Black or White Untrimmed, Black or White Trimmed ($134.10)