Moose Scramble Squares
The moose (Alces alces) is the largest species in the deer family. Moose are huge. On the average, an adult moose stands 6 to 7 (1.8 2.1 m) high at the shoulder! Males (bulls) weigh between 850 and 1,580 lbs. (380720 kg) and females (cows) weigh between 600 and 800 lbs. ( 270360 kg). The largest known moose, a bull moose, was shot at the Yukon River in September, 1897. It weighed 1,800 pounds (1,618 kg) and was 7 8 tall (233 cm) at the shoulder. Each of the antlers of an adult bull moose averages between 3.9 and 4.9 (1.2 m and 1.5 m) across, but can grow as large as 5.8 (1.8 m) across. Moose antlers are shaped like the broad palm of a hand with extended fingers, unlike the antlers of the other members of the deer family, which grow in a way that resemble tree branches. Moose antlers are made of bone and are grown, shed and regrown every year. The male will drop its antlers after the autumn mating season to conserve energy for the winter. A new set of antlers will begin to regrow in the spring. Moose antlers take only 3 to 5 months to fully develop from little buds, making them one of the fastest growing animal organs. They have a fuzzy skin on their surface, called felt, which peels away when the antlers become fully grown. Immature bulls may not shed their antlers for the winter and will retain them until the following spring. Features
- Award-winning Scramble Squares�
- World's Most Challenging Puzzle!
- Puzzle has only nine pieces!
- 144 different Scramble Squares styles!
- Includes a panel of fascinating facts, trivia questions and hidden answers.
- These little brain teaser puzzles are easy to play, but hard to solve.
- Exquisite artwork that will keep everyone in the family entertained.