Troxel Liberty Riding Helmet
Troxel Liberty Riding Helmet was created for schooling and all-purpose riding. This low profile all-purpose helmet comes with cooling mesh and extended soft tip for extra sun protection. Large vents provide superior ventilation for a cooler, more comfortable ride. The self-adjusting CinchFit Pro adjusts to the movement of the rider for an unmatched level of comfort and stability.
At Troxel, they know riding is a way of life and safety is a part of riding. That's why Troxel manufactures and sells only SEI-certified equestrian helmets. Since 1990, they've used the most advanced technology and materials to produce the world's finest headgear. These lightweight, ventilated helmets - available in a variety of styles for English, Western and Specialty riding - have become the industry standard.
ASTM Approved / SEI Certified
Sizes: S (up to 6 7/8), M (7 - 7 1/4), L (7 1/4+)
Colors: black, periwinkle, pink, fuchsia, pearl, cobalt
- CinchFit Pro
- ASTM Approved / SEI Certified
- Ultralight with Extended Soft-Tip Visor
- NEW Stylish Colors